Kenneth A Bossin
Law Office of Kenneth A Bossin
1392 Som Center Rd
Cleveland OH 44124
Tel: 440 646-1881
Fax: 440 443-1969
Ken Bossin graduated from the University of Missouri with a Bachelor's Degree in Public Administration in 1966. He received his Juris Doctor Degree from the Marshall College of Law at Cleveland State University and was admitted to the practice of Law in May 1971. Mr. Bossin was admitted to the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio in 1972 and has practiced for the past 38 years in Federal, State and Municipal Courts throughout Ohio.
Prior to entering private practice, Mr. Bossin served as a Probation Officer, Intake Worker, and Referee for the Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court. Mr. Bossin practices in the area of Juvenile Court and Criminal Law. A substantial part of Mr. Bossin's practice involves Municipal Court matters in the defense of Driving Under the Influence, Driving Under Suspension, and a variety of other traffic offenses. Mr. Bossin served as an Acting Judge in the Lyndhurst Municipal Court from 1985 to 1999. He has been a presenter in both Guardian Ad Litem and Juvenile Court seminars and has lectured throughout the State of Ohio at traffic and Driving Under the Influence seminars.
In 1996 he completed a 20 hour National Highway Traffic Safety Administration approved training course on Standard Field Sobriety Testing, and a 20 hour refresher course in June 1997. In 2004, Ken authored articles on "Law You Can Use" for the Ohio State Bar Association and an article for the "Vindicator", a quarterly publication for the Ohio Academy of Criminal Defense Lawyers. In December of 2004, Mr. Bossin participated in a panel discussion in Toronto, Canada giving a United States perspective on the laws of Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol and Drugs. In 2005, he obtained a Certificate of Training as an instructor for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) DWI Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety Testing Program. He also obtained a Certificate of Competency in the Operation, Diagnostic Verification and Calibration for the BAC DataMaster Breath Alcohol Testing Instrument.
Mr. Bossin has served as a consultant (expert) regarding Field Sobriety Testing in Aggravated Vehicular Homicide and other OVI cases and has testified as an expert on Field Sobriety Testing in Lake County and Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Courts, Parma Municipal Court and Portage County Municipal Court. He has also served as an Instructor teaching DWI Detection and SFST’s in June, 2007.
Mr. Bossin holds memberships in the National College for DUI Defense (NCDD); Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association; Ohio State Bar Association; Cuyahoga County Criminal Defense Lawyers; National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers; and Ohio Criminal Defense Lawyers. Mr. Bossin served as the 70th President of the Cuyahoga County Bar Association in 1998/1999 and participated as a member of the Traffic Law Sub Committee of the Ohio Sentencing Commission and the Traffic Law Committee of the Cuyahoga County Bar Association. He presently serves on the Traffic Law Committee of the Ohio State Bar Association.
