R Mark Jones
Roetzel & Andress is a law firm with 12 offices located in Akron, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, and Toledo, Ohio; Fort Lauderdale, Fort Myers, Naples, Orlando, and Tallahassee, Florida; New York and Washington, DC. Our 210 attorneys provide comprehensive, integrated legal counsel to help our clients achieve business goals.

R Mark Jones
Roetzel & Andress
1375 E 9th St #1000
Cleveland OH 44114
Tel: 216 623-0150
Fax: 216 623-0134
E-mail: mjones@ralaw.com

Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer - National Board of Legal Specialty Certification

Practice Areas
- Litigation
- Medical Defense

Mr. Jones practices in both medical malpractice defense and civil litigation, focusing on representing hospitals and physicians in a variety of medical defense matters. Mr. Jones has handled more than 90 civil jury trials to verdict.
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